This is the first beta release for NM 3.1
Download News Manager 3.1 beta 24
Changes, fixes, etc. since NM 3.0:
- image filebrowser was broken if custom admin folder (GSADMIN gsconfig setting)
- Custom Settings label/textarea was not rendered properly with GSSTYLE wide (@Gooos)
- post options adjusted - prepared for responsive admin styles (GS 3.4), also better for navigation with keyboard (tab)
- sets "URL" as default link type in CKEditor
- better support for I18N-based multilanguage sites (prevent broken links in backend with some permalink structures)
- bug with "read more" link and Full Text setting when using "more 1" custom setting (@Gooos)
- several filebrowser issues (@johnnyb, @bensayers)
- added security on pic script
- function nm_is_single did not always work properly
- other slight fixes
- private posts are now visible to logged-in users (just like GS private pages)
- file browser, now images are default sorted by date; sortable columns (filename, date, size)
- SEO: inserts tag name in <title> tag (when in tag page view - this can be disabled with custom setting tag titleTag 0)
- backend warning if GSCANONICAL enabled
- direct links to full-size post images (instead of passing them to the resizing script)
- added Finnish language (@naavis)
- template tag/function nm_single_tag_title()
- imageThumbnail custom setting to use GS thumbnails if available (@Hypertexter)
- metaKeywordsTags custom setting (@newdeepdan)
- NMIMAGESORT gsconfig setting
(more info below)
template tag/function nm_single_tag_title()
Like nm_post_title(), returns false if not a tag page, accepts prefix and suffix and optional return instead of echo
nm_single_tag_title($prefix, $suffix, $echo)
It can be used in your template/component for e.g.: customizing the <title> tag, displaying the tag name before the content...
<?php nm_single_tag_title('Tag: ', ' -'); ?>
NMIMAGESORT (gsconfig setting)
Lets you set the default order of images in the filebrowser.
Insert this in your gsconfig.php file:
define('NMIMAGESORT','name'); // 'date', 'name' or 'size'
imageThumbnail (custom setting)
GS generates an automatic thumbnail for every image you upload - example: /data/thumbs/thumbnail.image.jpg for /data/uploads/image.jpg
But you can also customize that thumbnail, e.g. you can select a defined snippet of the image (in File Management -> Image Control Panel -> Create thumbnail)
If you enter imageThumbnail 1 in Custom settings, NM will check if the thumbnail exists and use it instead of the normal image.
This is really only useful if you want to have the snippet in all news pages except full/single posts, where you'll probably want to have the original image:
imageThumbnail 1
single imagesize full
If you're not using full-size images in your single posts (but a scaled image), then it could be:
imageThumbnail 1
single imageThumbnail 0
metaKeywordsTags (custom setting)
If enabled, single/full post pages will use the post tags for the page meta keywords (instead of the news GS page's tags). Usage:
metaKeywordsTags 1