Old GetSimple plugins

Plugins I've developed that are outdated or not necessary anymore.

I'm no longer (or currently) maintaining these:

GetSimple plugin: Recent Pages

Note this is a *very* simple and experimental plugin. Update: Not compatible with GetSimple 3.1 (beta). To fix it, replace $digi_pagesArray with $pagesArray (5 occurrences) in the recentpages.php file. Download Recent Pages v0.2.1 beta (compatible with latest PagesXML plugin 2.3) (Archived...

GetSimple plugin: GS Page Data

GSPageData is a plugin that provides some template tags (functions) to display (or return) other GetSimple pages' data (title, content, etc.) Download GSPageData version 0.2 (beta) Installation: Unzip file and upload contents (gspagedata.php) to your GetSimple site's plugins fold...

GetSimple plugins: setfocus (login/create page)

A couple of small plugins for saving mouse clicks :-) when using GetSimple's backend: Set cursor focus at Login page. For GetSimple 2.00+ (note: doesn't seem to work with 3.0.0) Sets the cursor focus to the username field in the admin panel login form. Set cursor focus to title when...