GetSimple stuff

(This page is generated with the I18N Search plugin)

  • "Edit This Page" code snippet / component

    Insert this code snippet wherever you want in your template: <?php if (cookie_check()) { ?> <a href="<?php get_site_url();echo $GSADMIN;?>/edit.php?id=<?php get_page_slug();?>">Edit this page</a> <?php } ?> You'll have an "Edit page"...
  • Removing "Link to local page" in GetSimple CKeditor [core patch]

    Change admin/edit.php line 340 (in GS 3.0) to: //ckeditor_add_page_link(); (I inserted "//" in the beginning, to comment it) Update: in GS 3.1 stable it is line 363.
  • GetSimple Spanish translations

    I've being doing some Spanish translation files for GetSimple and several of its plugins: Spanish language for GetSimple 3.1 + 3.2 + 3.3 Plugin Languages: I18N (base and navigation) I18N...
  • GetFeed plugin updated

    I've made a small update to my GetFeed plugin. Version 0.4.1 (still beta) now supports RSS 2.0 and Atom date fields.
  • "No New Pages" plugin

    A small plugin I made and posted in the GetSimple forum. If activated, when you try to create a page you get redirected to the admin panel's main page. <?php...
  • SimpleCache and canonical URLs

    This is a tip I posted in GetSImple's forum in June 2011: A quick hack to make SimpleCache plugin enforce canonical URLs. Edit simplecache.php, line 48, insert this: if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']...