EditThisPage is a plugin for the GetSimple CMS. Tested with 2.01, 2.03, 3.0 and 3.1.
What it does:
If the plugin is enabled and activated, when the user is logged in and browses the website, pages will have a quick-access 'Edit this page' link to the admin panel (like do Blogger, Wordpress, etc.)
- Download editthispage_beta-0-1.zip (v0.1 beta)
- Uncompress it and upload contents to your site's plugin directory.
In admin panel right sidebar (Page editor or Settings) yo will find a Enable EditThisPage link to activate it. Then browse your site.
add_action('content-top','editthispage'); // Edit link before page content.
add_action('content-bottom','editthispage'); // Edit link after page content.
<?php editthispage(); ?>
define('EDITTHISPAGE','Edit this page!'); // Link text
.editthispage { background: yellow; font:bold 11px Verdana; padding:6px; margin:10px; width:100px; }
Enable the plugin automatically when logging.
Right now (2.01, and 2.02 betas by August 2010) I haven't found a way to do it: a new hook should be added (something like 'panel-pretemplate') plus some slight modifications to the core (I will post them in the SVN sometime)